A wonderful service by Geoff Cotton to consecrate a permanent memorial for Josyln at the Lumiere Cinema.
Cotopaxi, The Celestial Sea, Charles Luney Master Builder, The Wizard & The Commodore & Five Kingdoms Trilogy
A wonderful service by Geoff Cotton to consecrate a permanent memorial for Josyln at the Lumiere Cinema.
Congratulations to David Blake for a Lifetime Award for his work in International Cinema.
The Wizard stole the show arriving in a London Cab!
Most Popular Historical Cinema Documentary - Andrew Prouting & Samuel Miller - Mesopotamia High Country Story - Executive Producers, Don Prouting, Jennifer Prouting, Valme Prouting, Laurence Prouting, Ray Prouting & Frank Prouting.
Services to the Film Industry - Nick Paris
Best Local TV Actor - Herbie Berger
4. Most Dangerous Stunt involving Fire - Retired Senior Station Officer Woodend Fire Brigade Robbie Boyd
Best Supernatural Actor - Dale Goodman
Services to English Country Dancing, Scottish Country Dance & Macedonian Dance - Sugra Morley
SFX Award Achievement - Epiphanie Baine
Historical & Cultural - Lifetime Achievement Awards
Lifetime Achievement Award Miniature Steam - Jock Miller Hamilton Jet, Halswell Steam Club President & President Old Boys Assoc STAC
Lifetime Science Award Physics - Dr Glyn Jones, Oxford University, UCLA & University of Canterbury, Spectroscopy Research, Recipient of 1851 Exhibition Scholorship
Services to Conservation - Karl Barkley, Save Marsden Point
Service to the Film Industry 2024 - Anglican Minister Geoff Cotton
Joslyn Brandt Permanent Memorial unveiled at the Lumiere Cinema - beside a painting of Federico Fellini.
Thankyou Anglican Minister Geoff Cotton, Diana Castillo & Phillip Stott (Joslyns Step Father) for your wonderful words for one of our Stars.
A memory of Joslyn is now where it should be - a great Cinema.
Great to see a fine piece of theatre last night; and for lucky cast members who had plenty of time with the Welsh director!
Go and see Harry Lawrence for a theatre role chums!! we seem to be moving along a similar path.
Great work on the boards, but of course nothing on the Greats of Olde - but well done, much to achieve!!
The 1971 version - with Peter O’Toole & Elizabeth Taylor!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fvcW5VJOAI suggest for a screening either at the Lumiere, The Woodend or the red Barn at Port Levy??
Excellent night out , had by all! thanks for braving a cool night in the Port.
It’s that time of year again!! The Annual “ENNY” Awards
WHAT: Enfield Awards & Christmas Function
WHERE: THE LUMIERE CINEMA - 26 Rolleston Ave Christchurch.
WHEN: Monday the 16th of December - Drinks from 5pm - 6pm Awards including new trailers etc
HOW: Dress Code - something classical & fun! prepay $10 drink for entry.
WHOM: All cast, family friends & nominees.
There will also be a special unveiling of a memorial to our friend & actress Joslyn Brandt at the Cinema half an hour before the Awards Ceremony.
Contact to RSVP!